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What is a quilt along?


Awhile back I joined my first online quilt along! Fat Quarter Shop hosted the quilt along. We worked out of the book called Perfect 10 Quilts (find the book here). The fabric I used was a layer cake, from Moda Fabrics. The fabric line was called The Boat House by Sweetwater. Fat Quarter Shop posted a blog once a week with the instructions and how many blocks to make. It was a nine week quilt along.

Basically, who ever is hosing the quilt along provides all the information the quilter needs to complete a quilt top. Usually there are a group of quilters who sign up to participate and follow along. The host provides the fabric requirements and instructions to construct the blocks. They also list the amount of time it will take and when the blocks/quilt top should be completed.

I loved being a part of this quilt along. It was so much fun to follow along on Instagram and know that other quilters were participating to make the same quilt! My favorite part was seeing how different all the finished quilts looked with everyone's fabric choices.

I actually just finished my second quilt along. This one was hosted by Then Came June. The quilt pattern is called Meadowland. Check out the pattern, it's amazing!

I've included this video that explains the quilt along process.

Have you ever done a quilt along?!! If not, I highly recommend doing one, just wait and see how much fun it can be! You can search for a quilt along to participate online. Or I recommend searching on Instagram and using the hashtag #quiltalong

Happy Quilting!!

Photos of my quilt along quilt blocks

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